Nothing is more worrisome to a parent than having their child get in of legal trouble. Parents want the best for their children—and when they face legal trouble, helping them through the situation is crucial. Whether your child is guilty of a crime or was in the wrong place at the wrong time, you need a compassionate, committed, and professional Las Vegas juvenile crime attorney who can work with your family to guide you through the legal process and aggressively defend the case. At Okabe & Haushalter, we have years of experience in juvenile law and have successfully defended many young clients accused of criminal offenses.

What are common juvenile offenses & their penalties

Some people make the mistake of thinking that since a charge is against a minor, penalties will not be harsh, but this is not necessarily the case as Nevada authorities take juvenile crime seriously and may deliver harsh penalties. Beyond this, if the minor is approaching 18, authorities may seek to charge them as an adult. This is very dangerous for the young person and every effort must be made to have the case tried in juvenile court.

Commonly committed juvenile crimes include the following:

Penalties for the conviction of juvenile crime may include:

  • Jail Time
  • Juvenile Detention Center
  • Monetary Fines
  • Community Service
  • Probation

Although penalties may be harsh, we can fight for an optimum result. Court systems should concentrate on rehabilitation of minors as opposed to punishment; where necessary, we work closely with courts to ensure individuals receive the best possible chance to get their life back on a track without the potentially life-changing impact of serious convictions and heavy penalties.

Why hire our Las Vegas criminal defense firm?

We have extensive experience in our area of practice in the law and has worked on high profile cases such as the Michael Jackson case and the O.J. Simpson case. We are often featured on CNN and headline news as legal analysts. Most recently, Attorney Fenu received Congressional Recognition from Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Commendations from U.S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign for his contributions to the “Ask-A-Lawyer Program” of the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. This is just one example of his commitment to the community.

We Can Defend the Rights of Your Child

Many good children make mistakes; however, penalties can adversely affect children for years to come. Their education and future careers may suffer as a result of being convicted and harshly penalized. Fortunately, there are many successful defense strategies that can be utilized to reduce charges and, in some cases, have the charges dismissed. That is what we pursue.

During this trying time, an experienced attorney can make the difference between success and failure of your child’s case. Please allow us the opportunity to help protect your family’s welfare. We firmly advocate rehabilitation for children as opposed to severe punishment. This will help your child for many years to come and allow them the opportunity to succeed in the future.

Please contact a Las Vegas juvenile crime attorney to find out how we can help you.

Juvenile Cases Tried as Adults

There are options available to the arresting officer and the court to not send the juvenile to trial, depending on the juvenile’s record and the seriousness of the crime. However, juveniles are increasingly being tried as adults for serious crimes. For minor offenses, the officer may still require the juvenile to see a judge, who then decides if the case will go to trial or not.

The judge considers many factors and may lecture the juvenile, order counseling, or mandate community service if the crime is not serious. However, since the matter is up to the judge, legal representation is essential, as there are many other factors to take into account. For example, the judge will review the juvenile’s attitude. Without someone to represent them, a minor could end up in a much more serious situation that would be out of proportion to their alleged wrong.

Committed, Dedicated & Persistent

Okabe & Haushalter is committed to providing every client with the excellent service and aggressive defense they deserve. As a result of our successful representation in numerous high-profile cases involving celebrities, CEOs, medical professionals, and more, we are known as one of the premier criminal defense firms in the state. We are also nationally recognized legal analysts for CNN, Headline News, and other local stations. Whether a client is a celebrity or the kid next door, their case is treated with the utmost professionalism, attention to detail, and adherence to ethical standards. We are dedicated to protecting our clients’ rights.

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